
You’re Never Too Old To Quilt Launches April 1st 2023

Pre-order special! In her book, “You’re Never Too Old To Quilt”, Christine Sutton presents a guide for those who struggle to keep quilting because they are experiencing the physical challenges of such age related challenges as arthritis or back pain. experiencing physical challenges, have been hesitant to try. And not only veteran quilters, but younger, […]

Beachmere Revisited Goes Gangbusters!

Karen Wallwork does it again! Terry Young, Federal Member for Longman, officially launched “Beachmere Revisited” – Karen’s sequel to “Beachmere Then and Now” (BTN) – on 22nd December 2022, at the Beach Shak, Beachmere. However, following the amazing popularity of BTN, readers didn’t wait for the launch. Pre-orders for the book began to come in […]

Success of the garlic free cookbook.

One year later and we’re so pleased. Thanks to all those who have supported “Creative Cooking & Eating in A Garlic Free Zone”, the book has sold in the USA and the UK as well as in Australia. We couldn’t be more delighted. Thank you!! Amazon worldwide have the ebook in their Kindle store. Since […]

The Syrians Are Coming…

By Margaret Clapham of Buderim, Queensland. This is Margaret Chapman’s first book. Her extensive research into the life journey of the Misto and Domainy families has shed light on a little known group of 19th century immigrants from Syria who became the suppliers of drapery and household goods to Australian outback towns; the hawkers who […]

Finding Ned – UK sales

By Chris Sutton Since its release in August 2022, family historians and readers in the UK have discovered Finding Ned. A valuable guide to tracing a convict ancestor through the Australian records, the book is also an insight into how convicts fared after they received a conditional pardon.  Unable to return to England, they were forced […]