Created for the town’s 2020 Sesquicentennial, “Beachmere – Then and Now” is a collective memory of 150 years of life and living in Beachmere. It is a community’s shared pool of memories and knowledge, reflecting and celebrating Beachmere’s unique and special identity through the telling and retelling of its stories. Each story reveals the secret of what makes this small town on the shores of Deception Bay a magnet for those who seek a haven of quiet, gentle living in a place rich in natural beauty and neighbourly care. Told through the eyes of the descendants of traditional owners of the land, of early settlers and of more recent arrivals, they contribute to the 150-year-old collective memory that gives Beachmere its singular charm and character. There is a unique generosity of spirit here, a love of the environment and a gentle pace of life that draws young families, and elderly folk to settle and stay, for generations.